Code: PM014800   |    Title: Piston with rings and pin

Piston with rings and pin - PM014800 ET ENGINETEAM - 55220266, 71741367, 6000100241

Car: Ford Fiat Lancia 500 Panda Grande Punto Punto Punto EVO KA Ypsilon 169 A4.000 1,2 Bi-fuel 2007+
Standard Size [STD]: yes
Cylinder Bore [mm]: 70,8 mm
Compression Height [mm]: 28,6 mm
Recess Diameter [mm]: 62,5 mm
Recess Depth 1 [mm]: 3,9 mm
Bolt Head Diameter [mm]: 18 mm
Bolt Length [mm]: 49 mm
Stock: > 25 pcs
Where to buy?

EAN: 8592779046058